We are dedicated to delivering premium jewelry products to our clients at the best possible prices. Our commitment is to guarantee that every online shopping encounter at NOVOCI.de exceeds your expectations, consistently delivering optimal results. However, if you are dissatisfied with our product or the service you received, you can return the product to us in its original condition free of charge, within 30 days of receiving your order, and get a refund in full.
Please always contact our customer service at [email protected] before returning the product. We will then immediately send you a return label so that you can return it free of charge.
NOVOCI offers free returns for the following reasons:
If you are unhappy with your online purchase for any reason, you can return your purchase in its original condition within 30 days of the date you received it. We will issue a full refund at the price you paid for the product if the returned item meets the following condition. Read more
If you like to resize your item within 30 days of receipt, we are glad to resize it one time free of charge. Please note that NOVOCI can only offer you the sizes listed on the website (size chart). Read more
Defective or damaged jewelry pieces from NOVOCI covered by the lifetime guarantee or warranty claim can be returned free of charge for repair or replacement. Jewelry found to be defective or damaged will be repaired or replaced at our discretion.
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If you have received the product without an engraving, you can send it back for a fee of € 50 plus € 6.90 shipping costs and have it engraved afterward. Read more
To avoid possible errors or delays, we would be grateful if you could take the following precautions. Read more
You have the right to cancel this contract within 30 days without giving any reason. Read more
Items manufactured to your specification or tailored to your personal needs (e.g., engraved items) cannot be returned. All engraved jewelry is considered an entity for final sale as it has been engraved according to your instructions. NOVOCI is not liable for engraving errors that are based on incorrect instructions or specifications.