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Various Models at a Glance
  1. ADAMAS Solitaire RingADAMAS Solitaire Ring ADAMAS Solitaire Ring
    ADAMAS Solitaire Ring Glamorous jewel for eternity Model in 2 variation(s)
    From €  2,230
  2. AMBIO Halo RingAMBIO Halo Ring AMBIO Halo Ring
    AMBIO Halo Ring For a breathtaking moment Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  3,390
  3. BASIO Wedding BandBASIO Wedding Band BASIO Wedding Band
    BASIO Wedding Band Elegant simplicity Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  320
  4. DULCI Halo RingDULCI Halo Ring DULCI Halo Ring
    DULCI Halo Ring Captivates with its noble look Model has 8 variation(s)
    From €  1,470
  5. ELEGANZ Solitaire RingELEGANZ Solitaire Ring ELEGANZ Solitaire Ring
    ELEGANZ Solitaire Ring Elegant and timeless Model has 18 variation(s)
    From €  1,670
  6. FELIS Solitaire RingFELIS Solitaire Ring FELIS Solitaire Ring
    FELIS Solitaire Ring Simplicity at its best Model has 7 variation(s)
    From €  1,560
  7. FIDELIS Solitaire RingFIDELIS Solitaire Ring FIDELIS Solitaire Ring
    FIDELIS Solitaire Ring Splendid solitaire in a cathedral setting Model has 4 variation(s)
    From €  995
    GRANDESSA Halo Ring A grand statement Model has 8 variation(s)
    From €  1,720
  9. LIVIA Solitaire RingLIVIA Solitaire Ring LIVIA Solitaire Ring
    LIVIA Solitaire Ring Majestic heights Model has 4 variation(s)
    From €  2,570
  10. MANDO Band RingMANDO Band Ring MANDO Band Ring
    MANDO Band Ring Brilliant on its own or in combination Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  1,670
  11. NOVA DUA Memoire RingNOVA DUA Memoire Ring NOVA DUA Memoire Ring
    NOVA DUA Memoire Ring Double brilliance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  4,740
  12. NOVA Memoire RingNOVA Memoire Ring NOVA Memoire Ring
    NOVA Memoire Ring Sparkling ring with style and character Model has 24 variation(s)
    From €  720
  13. NOVALIS Memoire RingNOVALIS Memoire Ring NOVALIS Memoire Ring
    NOVALIS Memoire Ring Stands for everlasting love Model has 5 variation(s)
    From €  1,820
  14. NOVIA Solitaire RingNOVIA Solitaire Ring NOVIA Solitaire Ring
    NOVIA Solitaire Ring Makes hearts beat faster Model has 18 variation(s)
    From €  3,130
  15. REGALIS Solitaire RingREGALIS Solitaire Ring REGALIS Solitaire Ring
    REGALIS Solitaire Ring Royalty comes in many forms Model has 7 variation(s)
    From €  1,890
  16. ROSA Cluster RingROSA Cluster Ring ROSA Cluster Ring
    ROSA Cluster Ring A rose comes in many forms Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,995
  17. VIRAGO Solitaire RingVIRAGO Solitaire Ring VIRAGO Solitaire Ring
    VIRAGO Solitaire Ring Simply beautiful Model has 23 variation(s)
    From €  2,590
  18. HILARA Fancy RingHILARA Fancy Ring HILARA Fancy Ring
    HILARA Fancy Ring Express your feelings in a fancy way Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  680
  19. FAVUS Fancy RingFAVUS Fancy Ring FAVUS Fancy Ring
    FAVUS Fancy Ring Be yourself Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,050
  20. THE BOB Sleek RingTHE BOB Sleek Ring THE BOB Sleek Ring
    THE BOB Sleek Ring Effortless charm, sleek by design Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  4,490
  21. THE BOB Concave RingTHE BOB Concave Ring THE BOB Concave Ring
    THE BOB Concave Ring Curve into Chic Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,270
  22. THE BOB Pixie RingTHE BOB Pixie Ring THE BOB Pixie Ring
    THE BOB Pixie Ring Where Sass Meets Style Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,210
  23. THE BOB Shaggy RingTHE BOB Shaggy Ring THE BOB Shaggy Ring
    THE BOB Shaggy Ring Effortlessly Cool, Perfectly You Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,250
  24. THE BOB Topsy RingTHE BOB Topsy Ring THE BOB Topsy Ring
    THE BOB Topsy Ring Turn Heads with Topsy-Turvy Charm Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,250
  25. INCANTA Band RingINCANTA Band Ring INCANTA Band Ring
    INCANTA Band Ring Enchant your world with wonder Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  2,690
  26. ATLANTIS Memoire RingATLANTIS Memoire Ring ATLANTIS Memoire Ring
    ATLANTIS Memoire Ring Dive into allure, immerge in attraction Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  1,330
  27. LUCIDUS Solitaire RingLUCIDUS Solitaire Ring LUCIDUS Solitaire Ring
    LUCIDUS Solitaire Ring Lucidely unique, stunningly bright Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,930
  28. LUCID Band RingLUCID Band Ring LUCID Band Ring
    LUCID Band Ring Delicate dreams with lucid grace Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,050
  29. Curvus Fancy RingCurvus Fancy Ring Curvus Fancy Ring
    Curvus Fancy Ring Gracefully curved, timelessly gold Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  4,780
  30. UNDA Fancy RingUNDA Fancy Ring UNDA Fancy Ring
    UNDA Fancy Ring Simplicity and elegance intertwined Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,160
  31. UNDIS Fancy RingUNDIS Fancy Ring UNDIS Fancy Ring
    UNDIS Fancy Ring Simplicity with a twist Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,530
  32. CONTESSA Band RingCONTESSA Band Ring CONTESSA Band Ring
    CONTESSA Band Ring Experience grace, be a Comtesse Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  2,950
  33. LEVIGO Solitaire RingLEVIGO Solitaire Ring LEVIGO Solitaire Ring
    LEVIGO Solitaire Ring Where bling meets love, a golden embrace Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  4,050
  34. LIBETA Solitaire RingLIBETA Solitaire Ring LIBETA Solitaire Ring
    LIBETA Solitaire Ring Timeless elegance with a sharp edge of class Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,140
  35. LIBET Band RingLIBET Band Ring LIBET Band Ring
    LIBET Band Ring Bound together, stronger as one Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  995
  36. TRINITAS Trilogy RingTRINITAS Trilogy Ring TRINITAS Trilogy Ring
    TRINITAS Trilogy Ring Three diamonds, one eternal promise Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,770
  37. FACETA Solitaire RingFACETA Solitaire Ring FACETA Solitaire Ring
    FACETA Solitaire Ring Embrace royalty, be a princess every day Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  5,590
  38. GRATA Memoire RingGRATA Memoire Ring GRATA Memoire Ring
    GRATA Memoire Ring Royalty in every step, princess at heart Model has 9 variation(s)
    From €  1,290
  39. GAZANIA Cluster RingGAZANIA Cluster Ring GAZANIA Cluster Ring
    GAZANIA Cluster Ring Unfold your inner radiance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,750

  1. DULCI Halo EarringsDULCI Halo Earrings DULCI Halo Earrings
    DULCI Halo Earrings Captivates with its noble look Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  1,110
  2. GRANDESSA Halo EarringsGRANDESSA Halo Earrings GRANDESSA Halo Earrings
    GRANDESSA Halo Earrings A grand statement Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  1,380
  3. REGALIS Solitaire EarringsREGALIS Solitaire Earrings REGALIS Solitaire Earrings
    REGALIS Solitaire Earrings Royalty comes in many forms Model has 7 variation(s)
    From €  1,290
  4. ROSA Cluster EarringsROSA Cluster Earrings ROSA Cluster Earrings
    ROSA Cluster Earrings A rose comes in many forms Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,580
  5. NOVA CreolesNOVA Creoles NOVA Creoles
    NOVA Creoles Enhances glamorous look Model has 4 variation(s)
    From €  1,090
  6. ELEGANTIS Solitaire EarringsELEGANTIS Solitaire Earrings ELEGANTIS Solitaire Earrings
    ELEGANTIS Solitaire Earrings Timeless elegance Model has 12 variation(s)
    From €  895
  7. VIRAGO Solitaire EarringsVIRAGO Solitaire Earrings VIRAGO Solitaire Earrings
    VIRAGO Solitaire Earrings Timeless simplicity Model has 12 variation(s)
    From €  895
  8. CUORE Heart EarringsCUORE Heart Earrings CUORE Heart Earrings
    CUORE Heart Earrings Follow you heart Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  1,090
  9. HILARA Fancy CreolesHILARA Fancy Creoles HILARA Fancy Creoles
    HILARA Fancy Creoles Express your feelings in a fancy way Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,060
  10. FAVUS Fancy HuggiesFAVUS Fancy Huggies FAVUS Fancy Huggies
    FAVUS Fancy Huggies Be yourself Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,840
  11. INCANTA HuggiesINCANTA Huggies INCANTA Huggies
    INCANTA Huggies Enchant your world with wonder Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  990
  12. FLECTO CreolesFLECTO Creoles FLECTO Creoles
    FLECTO Creoles Enjoy daily elegance Model has 7 variation(s)
    From €  680
  13. ATLANTIS CreolesATLANTIS Creoles ATLANTIS Creoles
    ATLANTIS Creoles Dive into allure, immerge in attraction Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  1,570
  14. LUCID CreolesLUCID Creoles LUCID Creoles
    LUCID Creoles Lucid dreams, creole streams Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,770
  15. ANTHEA HuggiesANTHEA Huggies ANTHEA Huggies
    ANTHEA Huggies Adorn your ears with guardians of elegance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,150
  16. GRATA CreolesGRATA Creoles GRATA Creoles
    GRATA Creoles Royalty in every step, princess at heart Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,470
  17. THE BOB Concave HuggiesTHE BOB Concave Huggies THE BOB Concave Huggies
    THE BOB Concave Huggies Curve into Chic Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,795
  18. THE BOB Pixie HuggiesTHE BOB Pixie Huggies THE BOB Pixie Huggies
    THE BOB Pixie Huggies Where Sass Meets Style Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,995
  19. THE BOB Shaggy HuggiesTHE BOB Shaggy Huggies THE BOB Shaggy Huggies
    THE BOB Shaggy Huggies Effortlessly Cool, Perfectly You Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,895
  20. THE BOB Sleek HuggiesTHE BOB Sleek Huggies THE BOB Sleek Huggies
    THE BOB Sleek Huggies Effortless charm, sleek by design Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,250
  21. THE BOB Topsy HuggiesTHE BOB Topsy Huggies THE BOB Topsy Huggies
    THE BOB Topsy Huggies Turn Heads with Topsy-Turvy Charm Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,795
  22. GAZANIA Cluster EarringsGAZANIA Cluster Earrings GAZANIA Cluster Earrings
    GAZANIA Cluster Earrings Unfold your inner radiance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,930

  1. CIRCA Initial PendantCIRCA Initial Pendant CIRCA Initial Pendant
    CIRCA Initial Pendant The daily companion with a little sparkle Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  690
  2. CIRCOR Initial PendantCIRCOR Initial Pendant CIRCOR Initial Pendant
    CIRCOR Initial Pendant Simple elegance Model has 26 variation(s)
    From €  720
  3. DULCI Halo PendantDULCI Halo Pendant DULCI Halo Pendant
    DULCI Halo Pendant Captivates with its noble look Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  790
  4. GRANDESSA Halo PendantGRANDESSA Halo Pendant GRANDESSA Halo Pendant
    GRANDESSA Halo Pendant A grand statement Model has 6 variation(s)
    From €  990
  5. REGALIS Solitaire PendantREGALIS Solitaire Pendant REGALIS Solitaire Pendant
    REGALIS Solitaire Pendant Royalty comes in many forms Model has 7 variation(s)
    From €  790
  6. ROSA Cluster PendantROSA Cluster Pendant ROSA Cluster Pendant
    ROSA Cluster Pendant A rose comes in many forms Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,715
  7. FELIS Solitaire PendantFELIS Solitaire Pendant FELIS Solitaire Pendant
    FELIS Solitaire Pendant Simplicity at its best Model has 28 variation(s)
    From €  720
  8. INITIALIS Initial PendantINITIALIS Initial Pendant INITIALIS Initial Pendant
    INITIALIS Initial Pendant Express yourself with your initial Model has 26 variation(s)
    From €  660
  9. VIRAGO Solitaire NecklaceVIRAGO Solitaire Necklace VIRAGO Solitaire Necklace
    VIRAGO Solitaire Necklace Simply beautiful Model has 13 variation(s)
    From €  760
  10. AMORIS Heart PendantAMORIS Heart Pendant AMORIS Heart Pendant
    AMORIS Heart Pendant Listen to your heart Model has 3 variation(s)
    From €  870
  11. INCANTA Rondelle PendantINCANTA Rondelle Pendant INCANTA Rondelle Pendant
    INCANTA Rondelle Pendant Enchant your world with wonder Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,950
  12. NODI Rondelle PendantNODI Rondelle Pendant NODI Rondelle Pendant
    NODI Rondelle Pendant Elegance in threes, golden ovals to please Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,050
  13. RONDA Rondelle PendantRONDA Rondelle Pendant RONDA Rondelle Pendant
    RONDA Rondelle Pendant Circle around simplicity Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,990
  14. CUORE Heart PendantCUORE Heart Pendant CUORE Heart Pendant
    CUORE Heart Pendant Full of love, heart & soul Model has 5 variation(s)
    From €  990
  15. TERES Solitaire PendantTERES Solitaire Pendant TERES Solitaire Pendant
    TERES Solitaire Pendant A singular touch of elegance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  690
  16. TERES QUINTO Memoire PendantTERES QUINTO Memoire Pendant TERES QUINTO Memoire Pendant
    TERES QUINTO Memoire Pendant Memoire moments, forever remembered Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,730
  17. TERES TRIO Memoire PendantTERES TRIO Memoire Pendant TERES TRIO Memoire Pendant
    TERES TRIO Memoire Pendant Three memories, one timeless story Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,180
  18. THE BOB Concave PendantTHE BOB Concave Pendant THE BOB Concave Pendant
    THE BOB Concave Pendant Curve into Chic Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,850
  19. THE BOB Pixie PendantTHE BOB Pixie Pendant THE BOB Pixie Pendant
    THE BOB Pixie Pendant Where Sass Meets Style Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,650
  20. THE BIB Shaggy PendantTHE BIB Shaggy Pendant THE BIB Shaggy Pendant
    THE BIB Shaggy Pendant Effortlessly Cool, Perfectly You Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,780
  21. THE BOB Sleek PendantTHE BOB Sleek Pendant THE BOB Sleek Pendant
    THE BOB Sleek Pendant Effortless charm, sleek by design Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  3,690
  22. THE BOB Topsy PendantTHE BOB Topsy Pendant THE BOB Topsy Pendant
    THE BOB Topsy Pendant Turn Heads with Topsy-Turvy Charm Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  2,790
  23. GAZANIA Cluster PendantGAZANIA Cluster Pendant GAZANIA Cluster Pendant
    GAZANIA Cluster Pendant Unfold your inner radiance Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,150

  1. AMAVEO Harmony CharmsAMAVEO Harmony Charms AMAVEO Harmony Charms
    AMAVEO Harmony Charms Simple comfort Model has 8 variation(s)
    From €  1,170
  2. AMAVEO Expression CharmsAMAVEO Expression Charms AMAVEO Expression Charms
    AMAVEO Expression Charms Express yourself in style Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  1,190
  3. AMAVEO Contour CharmsAMAVEO Contour Charms AMAVEO Contour Charms
    AMAVEO Contour Charms Your style your way Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,395
  4. AMAVEO Finesse CharmsAMAVEO Finesse Charms AMAVEO Finesse Charms
    AMAVEO Finesse Charms Unleash elegance, embrace finesse Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,395
  5. AMAVEO Spectra CharmsAMAVEO Spectra Charms AMAVEO Spectra Charms
    AMAVEO Spectra Charms A sparkle of simple elegance Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  870
  6. AMAVEO Couture CharmsAMAVEO Couture Charms AMAVEO Couture Charms
    AMAVEO Couture Charms Elevate with haute couture, honor the classic Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  860
  7. AMAVEO Elegance CharmsAMAVEO Elegance Charms AMAVEO Elegance Charms
    AMAVEO Elegance Charms Elegance: Timeless, Effortless, You Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  1,180
  8. AMAVEO Flair CharmsAMAVEO Flair Charms AMAVEO Flair Charms
    AMAVEO Flair Charms Style with pizzazz, panache, and confidence Model has 4 variation(s)
    From €  460
  9. AMAVEO Fusion CharmsAMAVEO Fusion Charms AMAVEO Fusion Charms
    AMAVEO Fusion Charms A fusion of elegance and sophistication Model has 2 variation(s)
    From €  1,530
  10. AMAVEO Luxe CharmsAMAVEO Luxe Charms AMAVEO Luxe Charms
    AMAVEO Luxe Charms Luxe elegance: Adorn Your Style Model has 1 variation(s)
    From €  1,310




Luxury at its best. You can't miss a ring that you like from our line of rings fine crafted to perfection. The line is growing so keep visiting for more!



Whether it is a gift to your significant other or an anniversary present, your littrle treasure will come in our exclusive package wrapped with our distinctive cyan color. You will never cease to amaze!



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